There are many published personal memoirs, in print and online, written by women who have suffered post-natal depression. Most of these would not be helpful to a mum currently suffering from depression, or their families. The following books contain sensible, practical advice about how to cope with the illness – and may be useful for both sufferers and their partners.

Coping with Postnatal Depression by Sandra Wheatley (Overcoming Common Problems) Sandra Wheatley : Sheldon Press 2006.

A really good book containing much helpful and sound advice.

Second hand copies are available on ebay

Coping with Postnatal Depression by Fiona Marshall Sheldon Press. 1993

A really good book containing much helpful and sound advice.

Second hand copies available on ebay

Why Postnatal Depression Matters by Mia Scotland (2015) Pinter and Martin

The book deserves to be widely read, as it contains a wealth of details on a whole range of topics, including the nature of depressive illness, the numerous factors that might trigger PND in mothers and in fathers. The author suggests common sense, practical strategies, to improve general mental health, as well as helping someone recover from PND.

It nails some common myths about the causes of PND, making it clear that clinical studies have yet to prove a single specific cause for PND. It avoids being prescriptive about the possible treatments that might help someone with PND – and is neither anti-drug nor talking therapies. A particularly useful feature of this book is the Chapter on Post Natal Depression in men. This pocket-sized book is physically small, but is packed with a great deal of good, reassuring, and up to date advice, and is highly recommended.

New copies available from Amazon

Feelings after Birth by Heather Welford. (2002)

The NCT Book of Postnatal Depression.

This is an excellent book and will help anyone who is suffering from PND or their family. It is short and sensible and discusses issues such as how long PND lasts and how you can help yourself when you are ill.

Second hand copies available from ebay

Depression after Childbirth by Katharina Dalton and Wendy Holton. Oxford Paperbacks

This is an excellent book which covers the subject in a clear and interesting way. Katharina Dalton pioneered treating post- natal depression using progesterone and anti-depressants. The book is currently out of print and only second hand copies are available – but beware of online sellers asking silly prices.

Second hand copies available on ebay

This book may contain too much scientific detail for some readers.