We would like to say massive thanks to our Chairman, David Wilson Clarke, for raising over £3500 in his Dry January efforts. What an incredible sum and we are very happy to see that Wilson has aced through the whole month of being totally booze-free with no problem!! Wilson wrote on his JustGiving page: “Some people challenge themselves by climbing Everest or running consecutive marathons. I however, am going to test myself by giving up alcohol during January with the aim of raising money for The Association for Post Natal Illness.

I have been Chairman of APNI for the last ten years and involved with the charity since Penny died in 2004; this year will be the charity’s 40th anniversary. Our charity provides much-needed support to women suffering from post-natal depression and is desperately under-funded. I know that giving up alcohol for a month wouldn’t be challenging for the average person, but it will certainly test me. I am raising money to help support a charity that really makes a difference so please give what you can. Both APNI and myself would be incredibly grateful. Thank you.”